Friday 16 October 2020

Letters to the Editor

 Today we were learning to write a letter to the editor about our Rerenga awa because we want it to have beautiful native creatures. So we have been busy and writing a letter to the editor. Here is my letter. The letter goes into the news paper.

Saint Mary's is a Green-Gold Enviro school, and we want more fresh water river creatures in our awa. But there is one problem; there is long grass down near the Rerenga awa and big blackberry bushes have grown. Some of the people from our school have emailed the council, been to visit the council and used the ‘Fix It’ app to tell them about it but they didn’t reply. The school has already cleaned up the awa, and we need to plant more native trees there. But we need the council to mow the grass and take out the blackberry bushes. Our school has already done our part so now we need the council to do theirs. We want more fresh water creatures in our awa, and native birds in our trees. Freshwater creatures only like the rivers by shady places. Because the sun just beams onto the river, it makes the water hot, right? The creatures don't like places that are hot. They only like shady places like under trees. So come on council - do your bit!

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