Friday 28 February 2020

February student reflection newsletter

Today I was learning about my February student reflection newsletter.
I enjoyed writing in my monthly points.
I found it challenging to think of a special projects.
My digital learning object shows that this is my February reflection newsletter.

Term 1 goal

Today we set up our goals for term 1.
The learning dispositio goal is about the people that came to Gisborne on the Horouta waka.
My learning dispositio person is Kiwa because he can set his own goals and do it.
My other goal is about Religious Education.
R.E is about listen to God's call.
And my last goal is about helping people with their school work and more.

Thursday 27 February 2020

WALT- visualise.

Today I was learning about how to visualise.
I enjoyed making granny
I found it challenging to make the teeth.
My digital learning object shows how to visualise.

My Lenten Promises

These are things about Lent. Fasting is like you give up on something you really, really, really like. Almsgiving is when you give something to someone else like money to the poor people. Or like when you just given up juicies and the money that you had for the juicies you put it in the Caritas box. Prayer is you need to pray more. Prayer is someone speaking to God. That is all about Lent.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Shrove Tuesday

Today I was learning about Shrove Tuesday.
I enjoyed making the pancakes with my group.
I found it challenging to fip our giant pancake.
My digital learning object shows that before Lent everyone eats all there rich food before Lent starts.

Sunday 23 February 2020

Making huts

Today I was learning
I enjoyed
I found it challenging to
My digital learning object shows

Making huts.
When I was little (and I still am) I used to play with my brothers toys, climb on the monkey bars and play on the ipad. But most of all, I loved making huts. Blankets dangled over the tables. Chairs supported the blankets, guarded the entry. Tables held up the blankets. Pegs clipped blankets together. And then the fight started. Everyone yelled and gave orders.
“Don’t busy our huts!”
“You should have got your books out in the first place!”
When we were yelling, Mrs Naden was recording all of this.
“Can I come in?”
“NO! You can’t!”
“Get out!”
And then the fun stopped. Thanks to Mrs Naden.
“Time to bust your huts now!”
“Aww… come on!”
Everyone started to beg Mrs Naden so she can change her mind. But it did not work! Everyone was whining about how we needed to bust our huts. The end of that was lunch time.

Friday 21 February 2020

Paoa and Kiwa story.

Orange=Museum visit.                                                  Light blue=story of Paoa and Kiwa.
We made this waka on the 10/02/20. The Tairawhiti Museum came over to our school to tell and teach us the story of Paoa and Kiwa. But room 1 (my room) all ready know the story so she didn't need retell us the story. There were only one person there but it was fine. She showed us pictures and she created a google earth to show us a story of how Paoa and Kiwa came here from Hawaiki. Here is a photo to show you my waka.  Paoa and Kiwa were famon sea-voyagers that came from a far, far place called Hawaiki. They came to Aotearoa on a waka called Horouta. On board was Paoa's sister Hinehākirirangi and his daughter Hineakua. Along came Kiwa's son Kahutuanui. The Horouta waka carried kūmara all the way to Aotearoa. The Horouta waka sailed to Ohiwa and bumped into a sandbar and broke the waka. Paoa and Kiwa made a plan on how to fix there waka. The hull and bow broke so the waka could't sail properly. Paoa is going to go on land and find the suitable timbers to fix the Horouta waka. While Paoa was looking for the suitable timbers Kiwa did some minor repairs. When this was done. The Horouta waka sailed along the shoreline. Kiwa discovered a beautiful bay with birds, animals, forests and sea life. While waiting for Paoa, Kiwa named the place, Tūranganui-a-Kiwa. Meanwhile Paoa climbed huge mountains, ran though valleys and crossed rives in search for the special timbers. Paoa came across a stream and there stood the mighty tree. He had found the suitable timbers to fix the Horouta waka. Paoa chopped it up and float it down the steam which will float all the way to the shortline. Paoa finally came back to Tūranganui-a-Kiwa. It was celebrated by the union of his daughter Hineakua and Kiwa's son Kahutuanui. And these sea-voyaging ancestors still live in Tūranganui-a-Kiwa today.

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Parts of a dragonflies

Today I was learning about a dragonfly.
I enjoyed making my very own dragonfly.
I found it challenging to put WOW! facts in.
My digital learning object shows that dragonflies are amazing!

Friday 14 February 2020

All about me.

My name is Selina. I go to St Mary's School. At my school I am a year 6 and a good role model. Mrs Naden is my class teacher for this whole year. My culture is Chinese. In my family there is my mum, dad, two brothers and me.

I am good at learning new things. Most things I enjoy are about me  reading new books and learning new things in the books. Each year I don’t really have a challenge but I try to have 1. My goals this year are to try and get better at math,writing and reading. Also as science and inquiry.

This year I am also looking up to new achievements like athletes and school sports. A lot of people inspire me but most of them are my friends. They are always caring about each other and being a good role model. I will enjoy looking at other blogs too and comment about it. Connecting with you will be my goal.

Friday 7 February 2020

Summer Holidays.

Today I was learning how to use specific nouns, adjectives and juicy verbs.
I enjoyed making the little sandcastle.
I found it challenging to remember what I did in the Summer Holidays.
My digital learning object shows that I can use specific nouns, adjectives and juicy verbs.
Next time I would change my writing to a bit more exciting.

Wednesday 5 February 2020

Waitangi day facts

Today me and my class was learning about Waitangi day. The day was when england and the maori people signed a Treaty. Read more to found out facts about Waitangi day.

kawa of care

Today we are learning the Kawa of Care.
I enjoyed searching up pictures.
I found it hard to search up the pictures.