Sunday 23 February 2020

Making huts

Today I was learning
I enjoyed
I found it challenging to
My digital learning object shows

Making huts.
When I was little (and I still am) I used to play with my brothers toys, climb on the monkey bars and play on the ipad. But most of all, I loved making huts. Blankets dangled over the tables. Chairs supported the blankets, guarded the entry. Tables held up the blankets. Pegs clipped blankets together. And then the fight started. Everyone yelled and gave orders.
“Don’t busy our huts!”
“You should have got your books out in the first place!”
When we were yelling, Mrs Naden was recording all of this.
“Can I come in?”
“NO! You can’t!”
“Get out!”
And then the fun stopped. Thanks to Mrs Naden.
“Time to bust your huts now!”
“Aww… come on!”
Everyone started to beg Mrs Naden so she can change her mind. But it did not work! Everyone was whining about how we needed to bust our huts. The end of that was lunch time.

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