Friday 13 November 2020

Art coloring book

 Today we have been learning how to use the art colouring book site. It's a site where you can colour by clicking with your mouse key, and you can recolour paintings from other arteries. I did mine on this painting of this woman combing her hair by Goyō Hashiguchi. Here is my version of the painting and her version.

Goyō Hashiguchi


Thursday 12 November 2020

Rat Island language features

 This week we have also got another pieces of paper to complete. We have to find a Simile, Metaphor and a Personification in the book and write it onto the sheet and keep adding it until we had finished the book. 

Here is my language features and the examples; Simile: His black moustache was as sharp as a stingray's tail. My lips like a bucket of spilled spuds. Metaphor: Captain tombs was seated in the corner of his cabin. A black spider in a web. I tried to pull back, but his grip was an iron shackle around my wrist. Personification: Through storms and seas that'd make a cannon ball weep.

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Rat island prediction

 This week we have started reading about this novel called 'Rat Island', and we got a sheet of paper to do our per-read prediction. Here is my sheet.

Friday 6 November 2020

Camp goals update

Last week we went to camp and this is my camp goals that I had update.


This week for reading we have been learning about Parihaka. We had to go around the room and look for some clues for our pieces of paper and complete it. Once we had finish filling up our pages we had to cut them up and stick them together like it was a puzzle. It's a puzzle but shape like a feather, and we had to find out about the Parihaka and what happened. Here is my feather. 

Thank you letter to the people who helped us at our camp

 This week we have been writing some letters to the people who helped us at camp and the people who looked after us when we had our fun. I really enjoyed writing the letter to one of the instructor Dominic. Here is my letter to the instructor.

WALT: structure (thank you letter)

Success Criteria

Self assessment

2 or 3 paragraphs


Correct setting out


Interesting information using adjectives, verbs, a simile and nouns

Selina J

40 Campion Rd


5th November 2020

Dear Dominic, 

I am writing to you to thank you for all of your hard work in making our Year 5 & 6 camp. I personally think that you were the bomb-dot-com because you were a great  instructor. You helped us make great memories, I thought that you were following my group because you were everywhere. But it’s probably because you know how to instruct a lot of things.

One of the highlights for me was doing the flying fox because I wouldn’t normally do the flying fox because I don’t like heights. I really enjoyed going from the top of the platform to the bottom, it was fast when I saw other people do it before me. I felt a bit nervous because the people before me went fast. But I wanted to go because it was a new thing for me to do and it was a lot different to my normal day.

So thank you Dominic for helping us have fun and instructing us to be safe. You have made our Year 5 & 6 camp a lot of fun with the other instructors. We really appreciate your work at Tui Ridge. 

Mā te wā


Thursday 5 November 2020

Octocber Student Reflection Newsletter

 Today we had been doing our student Reflection Newsletter to reflect on what we did on October. I really enjoyed writing about what I did on camp.

Monday 2 November 2020

Tui Ridge camp 2020

 On Friday we just got back from camp and it was a BLAST! We did a lot of activities to do and these activities are not the ones you see on normal camp where you just build a tent and make a fire, sing songs and all those activities. But this camp was a lot different, when you go there you would need to do high ropes, rope maze, paintball slingshot, rock climb and a whole more. I had fun doing the wevideo, having fun looking back at the photos and had a little self smile. I found thinking of what to say really hard but with a little help a got it all done.