Tuesday 29 December 2020

Tastes of summer - Summer Learning journey

 Today we were learning what tastes means to you are your whanau. The first thing we did was watch describing foods, then we readed NZ favourite foods and Summer foods. Then we started doing a collage of our favourite foods on summer. Here is my collage.

UV Ray indicator for home - Summer learning journey

 Today we learned about Ultraviolet, or you can say it like UV for short. The first thing we did was watch UV Effect, then read UV facts for kids, UV level and Find today's UV levels. Then we had to make our own house UV monitor or do it digital. I did mine digital. 

Monday 28 December 2020

It's cool to be kind - Summer Learning Journey

Today we were learning how to be kind online, first we played this game where we have to spread kindness to those who were feeling sad and hurt and we had to stop cyberbullying, it's really fun and the game is called interland. Then we looked for some comments from our blog and copied it, pasted it onto a google drawing and wrote an reply and post it onto the comment.

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Kiwi Jingle Bells - Summer Learning Journey

 Today we got to make our own Jingles Bells song, all we had to do was think of our own lyrics that is like Jingle Bells. The first video we had to watch was A kiwi jingle bells, then we had to read NZ Christmas Traditions, then we started making our own jingle bells lyrics. Here is my one.

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Treasure map code - Summer Learning Journey

 Today we had to learn a new code to solve where the lion rock is. Pigpen cipher is the code we had to learn and use to solve what it was saying. We first had to watch these videos, pigpen cipher and cool codes for kids pigpen cipher. Then we had to complete a set of slides and at the end we made our own code of our favorite beach, I don't have a favorite beach because I think that all beaches are nice. Here is my work.

Making a new outfit for Santa - Summer learning journey

 Yesterday we had to read a book and then create a new outfit for Santa Claus. The first thing we had to do was to read a story from a learning journal. The story was called Hana Kōkō, it was about a family who loves to sell jams and other stuff, the headmaster went and asked the dad to wear a Santa outfit, but when the dad got back home, he had an idea. You can keep reading on the link. After we had finish reading the story we had started our create. It was to make a new summer outfit for him. Here is my one.

Saturday 19 December 2020

Writing A Haiku Poem - Summer Learning Journey

 Today we had to learn about and write a Haiku poem, It's based on a traditional Japanese poetic form. First we had to read How to write a Haiku poem, then watch How to write a Haiku poem, and then we start out create. Our create was to write a Haiku poem. I have based mine on summer. A Haiku poem has to be written on 1 topic only, but a Haiku poem can be a funny one, seasons or even anything. Here is my Haiku poem.

Friday 18 December 2020

Which One Doesn't Belong? - summer learning journey

 Today we had to learn about 'which one doesn't belong'. We first had to listen or watch these videos, the first video was from Sesame Street, the next one is Math anywhere: at the donut shop and the last one is which one doesn't belong. Next we watched a video show us what we need to do. We got this set of slides and we started answering the questions, and at the last slide I got to create my own 'Which One Doesn't Belong'. You can also do my one, by commenting. Here is my Which One Doesn't Belong.

Making my own sing chorus - summer learning journey

 Today I made a song chorus by myself. We first had to watch this song that some students from Mangere Collage made and it was called Rise up, I put a link on the rise up if you want to watch or listen to it. It means to just keep rising up and never look back. My chorus is like never give up hope or anything else I got on my chorus and even if your not Catholic still believe in God. Here is my song chorus. This is my voice singing the chorus. Click here

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Summer learning journey - Kowhaiwhai

 Today I was doing the summer learning journey task for today. I learned about Tānerore and Tama-nui-te-ra. Tānerore is the son of Tama-nui-te-ra, You can only see him when it's a really hot day and there is something moving in the distance. That is him, you can also see Tānerore when a group of people is doing kapa haka and their hands are doing the wiriwiri, a hand movement. 
Today's task was to either draw a Kowhaiwhai or do it online using google drawing. I drew mine and coloured it but it doesn't look right with the colours and I used colour pencils to colour it so it doesn't pop. Here is my picture.

Thursday 10 December 2020

What Christmas means to me

Last week I wrote what Christmas means to me and I wrote it in a poem. Here is my poem.
What Christmas means to me…
Christ’s birthday or Jesus’ birth.
Happy times with family and friends.
Remembering and celebrating about times of the year.
It also means giving the joy when you give your presents
Santa gives presents to kids because he likes to see the joy when they open it.
To give and receive.
Merry Christmas to everyone who is alone in the world.
A time to share.
So have a merry and a joyful Christmas.
By Selina Jiang

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Selina's goal setting from term 1

 Today I looked at my goal setting and see if I have done it or not. Red means I didn't do it, green means I have done it and orange means I did do it but not alot. Here is my goals setting updated.

Thursday 3 December 2020

Ice candle

 Today we made ice candles, it was really interesting because when we ripped the cardboard out it was pouring our water. It looked really cool, and the ice candle that I ripped of the cartoon had a face.
Here are the steps on how to make an ice candle:
1. We got out old candles that don't work anymore and melt them over a stove and a pan.
2. well that was melting we got out milk cartons and cut of the top.
3. after we pour oil into the carton and used our hands to spread it on all sides of the carton.
4. then we hold in place a long white candle that's new in the middle of the carton and put ice in the carton.
5. once there is ice in, we carefully poured the wax from the candles into the cartons.
6. left it overnight and let it set.

Tuesday 1 December 2020

November Student Reflection Newsletter

 Today we have been doing our November Student Reflection Newsletter. I really enjoyed doing the writing, and the photos. A lot has happened this month or are we just really busy? Anyways, enjoy my November Student Reflection Newsletter.