Friday 28 August 2020

Should animals be kept in zoos/ speech writing

WALT - use specific vocab

 This week we were learning to write about speeches because speeches are coming up at the end of the term. This was just a practice and starting to know how to write a specific speech. The whole class did this type of writing because it was just a warm up. Here is my writing, if you want to answer one of the question then please comment down below.

Animals should not be kept in zoos.

Should animals be kept in small cages and not be able to move around?

I strongly believe that animals should not be in zoos because it’s brutal. I think it’s mean because in zoos, they rely on humans to survive, they are taken away from their habitats and taken away from families.

Firstly, their natural instinct to hunt goes away because the zoo keeper’s feed them and decide when they eat, and how much they eat. Also the tourists or visitors feed animals junk food. They are NOT ALLOWED it because it makes the poor animals sick. It’s also not healthy for animals. It’s not their normal diet.

Secondly, lack of freedom means muscles detenciate. I mean the animals don’t use their muscles so animals can lose simple stuff like walking, swinging and swimming for some animals. It is too hot for some animals like polar bears and penguins, just because of zoos. Some zoos are also too cold for other animals like elephants and crocodiles.

Thirdly, babies are taken away from their mothers. Which is very hard for the babies to live. Like us, elephants feel joy when they see their families but grief when separated from each other. In zoos, they are lonely. There are no herds. They are normally in heards. Animals in erds, when they are separated, they will feel and have depression, anxiety, aggression and sometimes die.

I strongly believe that animals should not be kept in zoos because it is brutal.               

By Selina 

Thursday 27 August 2020

Rat trap wevideo

On Tuesday, we were doing a wevideo on what has happened in our school life. I did mine on rat traps because in our awa there are rats and stoats. So we are trying to kill them all because they are eating our native and non-native birds eggs and them self. Here is my wevideo.

Monday 24 August 2020

Reading about the oil spill.

W.A.L.T - identify the main idea.
Last week we had been learning about the oil spill in 2011 with the MV Rena. We had to read this online book (link here) to get the facts and how the MV Rena cargo ship made the oil spill. After we read the online book, we did a interview based on the sinking of the MV Rena cargo ship. I did it with Ciara (check her blog here).
This is the video.

Friday 21 August 2020

The 3 Sacrament

Yesterday room 1 was doing a task and it's about the 3 Sacraments. We were doing this was because we are a Catholic school. The 3 Sacraments are; Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. We had to make a poster of it with symbols and a ritual. Here is mine.

Thursday 20 August 2020

Bird feeder

For last weeks reading we made a bird feed because we were trying to attract native bird from our school. Me and Catalina (check out her blog here) made the bird feeder together. We found it hard to paint the feeder because most of it was patterns like trees and flower. I really enjoyed doing it with Catalina because she is my best friend and she was willing to do it with me.

Word cloud of Mary

Last Friday was the assumption of Mary. It means that Mary was taken to heaven without being seen. I made a word cloud with the words that means Mary. If you want to have a look at the link then click here. Or you can search up "".  This is my word cloud. 

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Math times table check up (update)

Today I was doing the times table check up again because I did it wrong on the first one. I was learning my 3x, 4x and my 6 times, because I knew my 3x and my 4x but it's not quick. Not quick like i know them by heart but I need to know them straight away. The red means I got it wrong, green means I got it right and orange means I didn't answer in time. I need to learn: 6x4, 3x8, 4x8. The 11x and 12x my teacher said I didn't need to learn them.

Extinct New Zealand Animals

Last week we have been writing about Extinct New Zealand animals. My extinct animal is the laughing owl. I have link the sites that I used to get the facts. I used my own words because if I just copy and paste than you and I would not understand what it means. I found it easy to write about it because the laughing owl (or the Sceloglaux Albifacies) is one of New Zealand's native owl. Also most of my classmates is also doing the laughing owl.

Sceloglaux Albifacies 
(Laughing owl)
( click these links to go to the site where I went to get the facts. F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 and F6. )
I am writing about New Zealand  Extinct animals. The Sceloglaux albifacies (laughing owl) were originally placed in the monotypic genus Sceloglaux.

The laughing owl weighs around 600g. That’s almost as heavy as a basketball. Wow! The Sceloglaux albifacies are about twice the size of a Morepork. You can still see Moreporks now but there is not much in the world I believe.

Laughing owl lives in both open country and forested areas. Of course they are nocturnal animals because they’re owls. They roosted in caves or fissures in rock areas.

The Sceloglaux albifacies eat small-medium sized birds, frogs, bats, lizards, juvenile tuatara and laver. That owl can eat a lot of different small animals. But now they are extinct. Sceloglaux albifacies also eat larger insects.

Before the Europeans came to New Zealand, the Sceloglaux albifacies happily doing it’s life cycle. But once the Europeans came, they were hunted down. Just for dumb stuff. They killed the laughing owl, stuffed it and put it in museums. Sometimes zoos too.

Dynamic Facts
It is 14-15 in height with a wingspan of 10.4.

By Selina

Monday 17 August 2020

Tracy Tawhiao

This week and last week I have been doing an art pieces from Tracey Tawhiao. She used newspaper words that mean something to her, and she did patterns from her culture.
The steps that I did was...
Go online and look for my cultures patterns, then look for a newspaper that has a word that means something to me. After I got them I painted over the other words that didn't mean anything to me. I had ro remember to leave white lines in between my paragraphs. I let it dry, after it dried I started using pastel to do my culture patterns onto the paint bits.

Maths time tables check up

Today for math we did a times table check up because we need to sharpen up our times tables.
Green means I got it right, Orange means I didn't have time to do it and red means I got it wrong. My teacher said that we weren't going to learn our 11x and 12x because they were just 10 times + the 2 times. I did my 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 9x and 10x. I found it hard because I had to answer the qustion in 6 seconds. Which was kinder challenging.

Saturday 15 August 2020

The Assumption of Mary and Peter walks on water

Today I had been doing what the church's calendar said. Today it said that it's the Assumption of Mary. It's when Mary goes up into heaven. I had a choice of if I wanna do it. Because my teacher, Mrs Naden did have a task about this. I thought I should do it because I am in a Catholic school.
I have got two stories on this slideshow, one is when Peter walks on water. And the other is Mary's Assumption. I did the video last night because I thought that I might not get it upload quick enough.
I really enjoyed doing the videos. It was really fun to do.
What have you learned from this blog post?

Friday 14 August 2020

Ruru Art

This week and last week our class has been busy doing a lot of art for our art exhibit. One of the art is a Ruru art. John Bevan Fords was the artist. Click here for a link to all of his artwork, and click this here to get to the artwork that we did. In between the lines there are tiny partners. I did lots of different partners.
This art was really fun to do because, we had to beelden the dye into each other. This artwork was actually supposed to be sold last night Thursday 13 August because it was the Talent show, and after it there was a art exhibit. The thing that was really hard for me to do was some of the partners.

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Faith GIF

This week and last week our class have been learning how to make a GIF. We used Tall Tweets to make our GIFs. We had to use the Classic one. I really liked how it worked out really great, and it looks great too.
The reason why I have chosen to do the GIF on the the faith poster, was because I am showing that I know what faith is and what it means to me. Also because it is our term 3 value. Each term we have different words. We learn about them. They are special words to us because we are a Catholic school. Faith means trusting in God even if you can't see him. God will always be there for you. Some people aren't Catholic but it doesn't stop me, because God will never leave your side.
I found it challenging to finish the slide on time because I did my faith poster on a google drawing. I had to do my faith poster on the slide for the GIF because on GIFs. They move, and they make people stop and look at the GIF.
Have you made a GIF before? If so, please comment and tell me. I can share it to my classmates.