Tuesday 18 August 2020

Math times table check up (update)

Today I was doing the times table check up again because I did it wrong on the first one. I was learning my 3x, 4x and my 6 times, because I knew my 3x and my 4x but it's not quick. Not quick like i know them by heart but I need to know them straight away. The red means I got it wrong, green means I got it right and orange means I didn't answer in time. I need to learn: 6x4, 3x8, 4x8. The 11x and 12x my teacher said I didn't need to learn them.

1 comment:

  1. Konnichiwa Selina,
    This is a great representation of what you know and what you need to learn next. Why don't you need to learn 11x and 12x? How would you work them out?
    Your screenshot goes over the right hand side bar. Maybe you could resize it and update your blog.
    Mā te wā,
    Mrs Naden


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