Thursday 24 September 2020

Biosecurity - reading

 This week we have been learning about biosecurity, it is one of the reason why New Zealand is a very amazing country. Here are some reasons why. Did you know that some bugs are very helpful to our country? Well if you didn't knew that than here is another one, do you know that dogs in the airport are specially trained for snapping out goods like food and any living creature. That's what dogs are good at if you want to use that for you next year speech, I found it hard to catch up to everyone else but got there, I really need to go back into the book and read more facts to add up to my wevideo about biosecurity. Anyways, here is my wevideo.

September Student Reflection Newsletter

 Today, we were doing our September Student Reflection Newsletter, it is about a newsletter on what we have been doing this mouth. We do this because we need to know how to reflect on our learning. I found it really easy to write in the boxes to show you what we have been learning and how we are going.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

How to say the days of the week in Māori using Book Creator - update

 Last week we have been learning to make a book from Book Creator and the book has to be about learning about Māori. Because it was Māori language week. I found it very easy to make the book because I enjoyed a lot of things like, putting an audio so that the kids can click on the music button and listen, but I could not publish the book onto my blog because it's got my last name on it and I must be cybersmart, it is apart of our learning. I also found it hard to get the audio onto the slides, so the audio won't work even if you click on it.
Update; I have learned how to take my last name of my book from book creator so you don't have to worry about the voice. Just click on it and you will learn Te Reo. Click here for the video.

Friday 18 September 2020

Maara Kai Master Chief

 On Wednesday, we had our own Maara kai master chief, and it was a BLAST! Because it was tasty, team working and last, it was a great sunny day to do it on.
The people in my group was Charlie M, Ciara, Catalina and me. But their was 2 more people in our group, Morgan-maire and Josh. But they were at rugby league. Visit their blogs too! Charlie M, Ciara and Catalina.
Anyways, our group, we made hamburgers and smoothes. In our burgers, we made our own patties, we had vegetables from our school garden. Here are some photos.

Thursday 10 September 2020

Screencastify on speech

This week we have been writing about our speeches because next week we are going to perform our speeches. I have chosen to do my speech on 'should plastic be banned?' I have chosen this because we are trying to persuade people. It was really hard to say my Māori pepeha because it was my first ever time saying my Māori pepeha, because the last years i have been doing my pepeha was all Chinese ones. Here is my video of me doing my speech.

Thursday 3 September 2020

August Student Reflection Newsletter

Today we have been doing our August Student Reflection Newsletter because it means that we can reflect on the past month what we have been doing. Most of our work is based on what we have been doing in August. I really enjoyed choosing the colour, sharing what I have been reading and my maths. I am very proud of myself with this month because it's probably my hardest working month. But always, here is my Student Reflection Newsletter.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Sacrament word wall

The last two days we have been busy doing a task on Sacraments. The word wall is all of the words of the Sacraments, and we have been putting the Sacrament words in alphabetical order and also we have been jazzing the slides up and made it into a GIF. Here is my GIF.

Advertisement for both kids and adult

WALT - identify the main idea.
This week and last week we have been finding and gluing photos of different things that will make you want it and get the stuff. I did two pages of it, and it's got very good deals like "buy this and you will get the toy for free!" And "would you like something for free? Then buy this book!"
We had to answer some questions, these are the questions: does the product makes you feel grown up? Or does the product pay famous celebrities or sports stars to promote the product? Does it give you a good deal like buy one, get a t-shirt free! And finally Does it save you money? It's like saving a million dollars on this one thing you want. It's like McDonald's happy meals but they really just make you buy the toy even when they say "if you get the happy meal, then you won't need to buy the toy, just the food!" But they are just trying to get you to give them more money than normally.