Thursday 10 September 2020

Screencastify on speech

This week we have been writing about our speeches because next week we are going to perform our speeches. I have chosen to do my speech on 'should plastic be banned?' I have chosen this because we are trying to persuade people. It was really hard to say my Māori pepeha because it was my first ever time saying my Māori pepeha, because the last years i have been doing my pepeha was all Chinese ones. Here is my video of me doing my speech.


  1. Talofa Selina, your speech is very inspiring, I agree with you that plastic should be banned. That's awesome how you were trying something new (your pepeha) Keep up the amazing blog posts! Blog ya later!

    1. Kia ora Genevieve,
      Thank you for commenting on my blog,
      and yes, I was very worried that I might get my pepeha wrong but I practice and practise and got it perfect.
      Mā te wā


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