Tuesday 29 December 2020

Tastes of summer - Summer Learning journey

 Today we were learning what tastes means to you are your whanau. The first thing we did was watch describing foods, then we readed NZ favourite foods and Summer foods. Then we started doing a collage of our favourite foods on summer. Here is my collage.

UV Ray indicator for home - Summer learning journey

 Today we learned about Ultraviolet, or you can say it like UV for short. The first thing we did was watch UV Effect, then read UV facts for kids, UV level and Find today's UV levels. Then we had to make our own house UV monitor or do it digital. I did mine digital. 

Monday 28 December 2020

It's cool to be kind - Summer Learning Journey

Today we were learning how to be kind online, first we played this game where we have to spread kindness to those who were feeling sad and hurt and we had to stop cyberbullying, it's really fun and the game is called interland. Then we looked for some comments from our blog and copied it, pasted it onto a google drawing and wrote an reply and post it onto the comment.

Wednesday 23 December 2020

Kiwi Jingle Bells - Summer Learning Journey

 Today we got to make our own Jingles Bells song, all we had to do was think of our own lyrics that is like Jingle Bells. The first video we had to watch was A kiwi jingle bells, then we had to read NZ Christmas Traditions, then we started making our own jingle bells lyrics. Here is my one.

Tuesday 22 December 2020

Treasure map code - Summer Learning Journey

 Today we had to learn a new code to solve where the lion rock is. Pigpen cipher is the code we had to learn and use to solve what it was saying. We first had to watch these videos, pigpen cipher and cool codes for kids pigpen cipher. Then we had to complete a set of slides and at the end we made our own code of our favorite beach, I don't have a favorite beach because I think that all beaches are nice. Here is my work.

Making a new outfit for Santa - Summer learning journey

 Yesterday we had to read a book and then create a new outfit for Santa Claus. The first thing we had to do was to read a story from a learning journal. The story was called Hana Kōkō, it was about a family who loves to sell jams and other stuff, the headmaster went and asked the dad to wear a Santa outfit, but when the dad got back home, he had an idea. You can keep reading on the link. After we had finish reading the story we had started our create. It was to make a new summer outfit for him. Here is my one.

Saturday 19 December 2020

Writing A Haiku Poem - Summer Learning Journey

 Today we had to learn about and write a Haiku poem, It's based on a traditional Japanese poetic form. First we had to read How to write a Haiku poem, then watch How to write a Haiku poem, and then we start out create. Our create was to write a Haiku poem. I have based mine on summer. A Haiku poem has to be written on 1 topic only, but a Haiku poem can be a funny one, seasons or even anything. Here is my Haiku poem.

Friday 18 December 2020

Which One Doesn't Belong? - summer learning journey

 Today we had to learn about 'which one doesn't belong'. We first had to listen or watch these videos, the first video was from Sesame Street, the next one is Math anywhere: at the donut shop and the last one is which one doesn't belong. Next we watched a video show us what we need to do. We got this set of slides and we started answering the questions, and at the last slide I got to create my own 'Which One Doesn't Belong'. You can also do my one, by commenting. Here is my Which One Doesn't Belong.

Making my own sing chorus - summer learning journey

 Today I made a song chorus by myself. We first had to watch this song that some students from Mangere Collage made and it was called Rise up, I put a link on the rise up if you want to watch or listen to it. It means to just keep rising up and never look back. My chorus is like never give up hope or anything else I got on my chorus and even if your not Catholic still believe in God. Here is my song chorus. This is my voice singing the chorus. Click here

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Summer learning journey - Kowhaiwhai

 Today I was doing the summer learning journey task for today. I learned about Tānerore and Tama-nui-te-ra. Tānerore is the son of Tama-nui-te-ra, You can only see him when it's a really hot day and there is something moving in the distance. That is him, you can also see Tānerore when a group of people is doing kapa haka and their hands are doing the wiriwiri, a hand movement. 
Today's task was to either draw a Kowhaiwhai or do it online using google drawing. I drew mine and coloured it but it doesn't look right with the colours and I used colour pencils to colour it so it doesn't pop. Here is my picture.

Thursday 10 December 2020

What Christmas means to me

Last week I wrote what Christmas means to me and I wrote it in a poem. Here is my poem.
What Christmas means to me…
Christ’s birthday or Jesus’ birth.
Happy times with family and friends.
Remembering and celebrating about times of the year.
It also means giving the joy when you give your presents
Santa gives presents to kids because he likes to see the joy when they open it.
To give and receive.
Merry Christmas to everyone who is alone in the world.
A time to share.
So have a merry and a joyful Christmas.
By Selina Jiang

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Selina's goal setting from term 1

 Today I looked at my goal setting and see if I have done it or not. Red means I didn't do it, green means I have done it and orange means I did do it but not alot. Here is my goals setting updated.

Thursday 3 December 2020

Ice candle

 Today we made ice candles, it was really interesting because when we ripped the cardboard out it was pouring our water. It looked really cool, and the ice candle that I ripped of the cartoon had a face.
Here are the steps on how to make an ice candle:
1. We got out old candles that don't work anymore and melt them over a stove and a pan.
2. well that was melting we got out milk cartons and cut of the top.
3. after we pour oil into the carton and used our hands to spread it on all sides of the carton.
4. then we hold in place a long white candle that's new in the middle of the carton and put ice in the carton.
5. once there is ice in, we carefully poured the wax from the candles into the cartons.
6. left it overnight and let it set.

Tuesday 1 December 2020

November Student Reflection Newsletter

 Today we have been doing our November Student Reflection Newsletter. I really enjoyed doing the writing, and the photos. A lot has happened this month or are we just really busy? Anyways, enjoy my November Student Reflection Newsletter.

Friday 13 November 2020

Art coloring book

 Today we have been learning how to use the art colouring book site. It's a site where you can colour by clicking with your mouse key, and you can recolour paintings from other arteries. I did mine on this painting of this woman combing her hair by Goyō Hashiguchi. Here is my version of the painting and her version.

Goyō Hashiguchi


Thursday 12 November 2020

Rat Island language features

 This week we have also got another pieces of paper to complete. We have to find a Simile, Metaphor and a Personification in the book and write it onto the sheet and keep adding it until we had finished the book. 

Here is my language features and the examples; Simile: His black moustache was as sharp as a stingray's tail. My lips like a bucket of spilled spuds. Metaphor: Captain tombs was seated in the corner of his cabin. A black spider in a web. I tried to pull back, but his grip was an iron shackle around my wrist. Personification: Through storms and seas that'd make a cannon ball weep.

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Rat island prediction

 This week we have started reading about this novel called 'Rat Island', and we got a sheet of paper to do our per-read prediction. Here is my sheet.

Friday 6 November 2020

Camp goals update

Last week we went to camp and this is my camp goals that I had update.


This week for reading we have been learning about Parihaka. We had to go around the room and look for some clues for our pieces of paper and complete it. Once we had finish filling up our pages we had to cut them up and stick them together like it was a puzzle. It's a puzzle but shape like a feather, and we had to find out about the Parihaka and what happened. Here is my feather. 

Thank you letter to the people who helped us at our camp

 This week we have been writing some letters to the people who helped us at camp and the people who looked after us when we had our fun. I really enjoyed writing the letter to one of the instructor Dominic. Here is my letter to the instructor.

WALT: structure (thank you letter)

Success Criteria

Self assessment

2 or 3 paragraphs


Correct setting out


Interesting information using adjectives, verbs, a simile and nouns

Selina J

40 Campion Rd


5th November 2020

Dear Dominic, 

I am writing to you to thank you for all of your hard work in making our Year 5 & 6 camp. I personally think that you were the bomb-dot-com because you were a great  instructor. You helped us make great memories, I thought that you were following my group because you were everywhere. But it’s probably because you know how to instruct a lot of things.

One of the highlights for me was doing the flying fox because I wouldn’t normally do the flying fox because I don’t like heights. I really enjoyed going from the top of the platform to the bottom, it was fast when I saw other people do it before me. I felt a bit nervous because the people before me went fast. But I wanted to go because it was a new thing for me to do and it was a lot different to my normal day.

So thank you Dominic for helping us have fun and instructing us to be safe. You have made our Year 5 & 6 camp a lot of fun with the other instructors. We really appreciate your work at Tui Ridge. 

Mā te wā


Thursday 5 November 2020

Octocber Student Reflection Newsletter

 Today we had been doing our student Reflection Newsletter to reflect on what we did on October. I really enjoyed writing about what I did on camp.

Monday 2 November 2020

Tui Ridge camp 2020

 On Friday we just got back from camp and it was a BLAST! We did a lot of activities to do and these activities are not the ones you see on normal camp where you just build a tent and make a fire, sing songs and all those activities. But this camp was a lot different, when you go there you would need to do high ropes, rope maze, paintball slingshot, rock climb and a whole more. I had fun doing the wevideo, having fun looking back at the photos and had a little self smile. I found thinking of what to say really hard but with a little help a got it all done.

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Camp rules and goals 2020

Next week we will be at camp and the place we will be going is called 'Tui Ridge' It is near Rotorua and that is the place we will be going next. Also we have been reflecting on our goals for camp and our rules.
The things we will be doing at camp are: slingshot, paintball, laser tag, high ropes and a lot more.

Friday 16 October 2020

Letters to the Editor

 Today we were learning to write a letter to the editor about our Rerenga awa because we want it to have beautiful native creatures. So we have been busy and writing a letter to the editor. Here is my letter. The letter goes into the news paper.

Saint Mary's is a Green-Gold Enviro school, and we want more fresh water river creatures in our awa. But there is one problem; there is long grass down near the Rerenga awa and big blackberry bushes have grown. Some of the people from our school have emailed the council, been to visit the council and used the ‘Fix It’ app to tell them about it but they didn’t reply. The school has already cleaned up the awa, and we need to plant more native trees there. But we need the council to mow the grass and take out the blackberry bushes. Our school has already done our part so now we need the council to do theirs. We want more fresh water creatures in our awa, and native birds in our trees. Freshwater creatures only like the rivers by shady places. Because the sun just beams onto the river, it makes the water hot, right? The creatures don't like places that are hot. They only like shady places like under trees. So come on council - do your bit!

Thursday 15 October 2020

Pop art - Andy Warhol

 Today I was learning how to use an online digital site, Which is called LunaPic. I found it very easy and fun to use because you can: Take a photo or use any photo, upload it onto the site and start playing around with it. The only hard part was when I was looking at what tool I should used. But It was really fun to use with. 
Andy Warhol is the man who teached and made this kind of art. Click here to find out more about him.

Thursday 24 September 2020

Biosecurity - reading

 This week we have been learning about biosecurity, it is one of the reason why New Zealand is a very amazing country. Here are some reasons why. Did you know that some bugs are very helpful to our country? Well if you didn't knew that than here is another one, do you know that dogs in the airport are specially trained for snapping out goods like food and any living creature. That's what dogs are good at if you want to use that for you next year speech, I found it hard to catch up to everyone else but got there, I really need to go back into the book and read more facts to add up to my wevideo about biosecurity. Anyways, here is my wevideo.

September Student Reflection Newsletter

 Today, we were doing our September Student Reflection Newsletter, it is about a newsletter on what we have been doing this mouth. We do this because we need to know how to reflect on our learning. I found it really easy to write in the boxes to show you what we have been learning and how we are going.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

How to say the days of the week in Māori using Book Creator - update

 Last week we have been learning to make a book from Book Creator and the book has to be about learning about Māori. Because it was Māori language week. I found it very easy to make the book because I enjoyed a lot of things like, putting an audio so that the kids can click on the music button and listen, but I could not publish the book onto my blog because it's got my last name on it and I must be cybersmart, it is apart of our learning. I also found it hard to get the audio onto the slides, so the audio won't work even if you click on it.
Update; I have learned how to take my last name of my book from book creator so you don't have to worry about the voice. Just click on it and you will learn Te Reo. Click here for the video.

Friday 18 September 2020

Maara Kai Master Chief

 On Wednesday, we had our own Maara kai master chief, and it was a BLAST! Because it was tasty, team working and last, it was a great sunny day to do it on.
The people in my group was Charlie M, Ciara, Catalina and me. But their was 2 more people in our group, Morgan-maire and Josh. But they were at rugby league. Visit their blogs too! Charlie M, Ciara and Catalina.
Anyways, our group, we made hamburgers and smoothes. In our burgers, we made our own patties, we had vegetables from our school garden. Here are some photos.

Thursday 10 September 2020

Screencastify on speech

This week we have been writing about our speeches because next week we are going to perform our speeches. I have chosen to do my speech on 'should plastic be banned?' I have chosen this because we are trying to persuade people. It was really hard to say my Māori pepeha because it was my first ever time saying my Māori pepeha, because the last years i have been doing my pepeha was all Chinese ones. Here is my video of me doing my speech.

Thursday 3 September 2020

August Student Reflection Newsletter

Today we have been doing our August Student Reflection Newsletter because it means that we can reflect on the past month what we have been doing. Most of our work is based on what we have been doing in August. I really enjoyed choosing the colour, sharing what I have been reading and my maths. I am very proud of myself with this month because it's probably my hardest working month. But always, here is my Student Reflection Newsletter.

Wednesday 2 September 2020

Sacrament word wall

The last two days we have been busy doing a task on Sacraments. The word wall is all of the words of the Sacraments, and we have been putting the Sacrament words in alphabetical order and also we have been jazzing the slides up and made it into a GIF. Here is my GIF.

Advertisement for both kids and adult

WALT - identify the main idea.
This week and last week we have been finding and gluing photos of different things that will make you want it and get the stuff. I did two pages of it, and it's got very good deals like "buy this and you will get the toy for free!" And "would you like something for free? Then buy this book!"
We had to answer some questions, these are the questions: does the product makes you feel grown up? Or does the product pay famous celebrities or sports stars to promote the product? Does it give you a good deal like buy one, get a t-shirt free! And finally Does it save you money? It's like saving a million dollars on this one thing you want. It's like McDonald's happy meals but they really just make you buy the toy even when they say "if you get the happy meal, then you won't need to buy the toy, just the food!" But they are just trying to get you to give them more money than normally. 

Friday 28 August 2020

Should animals be kept in zoos/ speech writing

WALT - use specific vocab

 This week we were learning to write about speeches because speeches are coming up at the end of the term. This was just a practice and starting to know how to write a specific speech. The whole class did this type of writing because it was just a warm up. Here is my writing, if you want to answer one of the question then please comment down below.

Animals should not be kept in zoos.

Should animals be kept in small cages and not be able to move around?

I strongly believe that animals should not be in zoos because it’s brutal. I think it’s mean because in zoos, they rely on humans to survive, they are taken away from their habitats and taken away from families.

Firstly, their natural instinct to hunt goes away because the zoo keeper’s feed them and decide when they eat, and how much they eat. Also the tourists or visitors feed animals junk food. They are NOT ALLOWED it because it makes the poor animals sick. It’s also not healthy for animals. It’s not their normal diet.

Secondly, lack of freedom means muscles detenciate. I mean the animals don’t use their muscles so animals can lose simple stuff like walking, swinging and swimming for some animals. It is too hot for some animals like polar bears and penguins, just because of zoos. Some zoos are also too cold for other animals like elephants and crocodiles.

Thirdly, babies are taken away from their mothers. Which is very hard for the babies to live. Like us, elephants feel joy when they see their families but grief when separated from each other. In zoos, they are lonely. There are no herds. They are normally in heards. Animals in erds, when they are separated, they will feel and have depression, anxiety, aggression and sometimes die.

I strongly believe that animals should not be kept in zoos because it is brutal.               

By Selina 

Thursday 27 August 2020

Rat trap wevideo

On Tuesday, we were doing a wevideo on what has happened in our school life. I did mine on rat traps because in our awa there are rats and stoats. So we are trying to kill them all because they are eating our native and non-native birds eggs and them self. Here is my wevideo.

Monday 24 August 2020

Reading about the oil spill.

W.A.L.T - identify the main idea.
Last week we had been learning about the oil spill in 2011 with the MV Rena. We had to read this online book (link here) to get the facts and how the MV Rena cargo ship made the oil spill. After we read the online book, we did a interview based on the sinking of the MV Rena cargo ship. I did it with Ciara (check her blog here).
This is the video.

Friday 21 August 2020

The 3 Sacrament

Yesterday room 1 was doing a task and it's about the 3 Sacraments. We were doing this was because we are a Catholic school. The 3 Sacraments are; Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. We had to make a poster of it with symbols and a ritual. Here is mine.

Thursday 20 August 2020

Bird feeder

For last weeks reading we made a bird feed because we were trying to attract native bird from our school. Me and Catalina (check out her blog here) made the bird feeder together. We found it hard to paint the feeder because most of it was patterns like trees and flower. I really enjoyed doing it with Catalina because she is my best friend and she was willing to do it with me.

Word cloud of Mary

Last Friday was the assumption of Mary. It means that Mary was taken to heaven without being seen. I made a word cloud with the words that means Mary. If you want to have a look at the link then click here. Or you can search up "Wordcloud.com".  This is my word cloud. 

Tuesday 18 August 2020

Math times table check up (update)

Today I was doing the times table check up again because I did it wrong on the first one. I was learning my 3x, 4x and my 6 times, because I knew my 3x and my 4x but it's not quick. Not quick like i know them by heart but I need to know them straight away. The red means I got it wrong, green means I got it right and orange means I didn't answer in time. I need to learn: 6x4, 3x8, 4x8. The 11x and 12x my teacher said I didn't need to learn them.

Extinct New Zealand Animals

Last week we have been writing about Extinct New Zealand animals. My extinct animal is the laughing owl. I have link the sites that I used to get the facts. I used my own words because if I just copy and paste than you and I would not understand what it means. I found it easy to write about it because the laughing owl (or the Sceloglaux Albifacies) is one of New Zealand's native owl. Also most of my classmates is also doing the laughing owl.

Sceloglaux Albifacies 
(Laughing owl)
( click these links to go to the site where I went to get the facts. F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 and F6. )
I am writing about New Zealand  Extinct animals. The Sceloglaux albifacies (laughing owl) were originally placed in the monotypic genus Sceloglaux.

The laughing owl weighs around 600g. That’s almost as heavy as a basketball. Wow! The Sceloglaux albifacies are about twice the size of a Morepork. You can still see Moreporks now but there is not much in the world I believe.

Laughing owl lives in both open country and forested areas. Of course they are nocturnal animals because they’re owls. They roosted in caves or fissures in rock areas.

The Sceloglaux albifacies eat small-medium sized birds, frogs, bats, lizards, juvenile tuatara and laver. That owl can eat a lot of different small animals. But now they are extinct. Sceloglaux albifacies also eat larger insects.

Before the Europeans came to New Zealand, the Sceloglaux albifacies happily doing it’s life cycle. But once the Europeans came, they were hunted down. Just for dumb stuff. They killed the laughing owl, stuffed it and put it in museums. Sometimes zoos too.

Dynamic Facts
It is 14-15 in height with a wingspan of 10.4.

By Selina

Monday 17 August 2020

Tracy Tawhiao

This week and last week I have been doing an art pieces from Tracey Tawhiao. She used newspaper words that mean something to her, and she did patterns from her culture.
The steps that I did was...
Go online and look for my cultures patterns, then look for a newspaper that has a word that means something to me. After I got them I painted over the other words that didn't mean anything to me. I had ro remember to leave white lines in between my paragraphs. I let it dry, after it dried I started using pastel to do my culture patterns onto the paint bits.

Maths time tables check up

Today for math we did a times table check up because we need to sharpen up our times tables.
Green means I got it right, Orange means I didn't have time to do it and red means I got it wrong. My teacher said that we weren't going to learn our 11x and 12x because they were just 10 times + the 2 times. I did my 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 9x and 10x. I found it hard because I had to answer the qustion in 6 seconds. Which was kinder challenging.

Saturday 15 August 2020

The Assumption of Mary and Peter walks on water

Today I had been doing what the church's calendar said. Today it said that it's the Assumption of Mary. It's when Mary goes up into heaven. I had a choice of if I wanna do it. Because my teacher, Mrs Naden did have a task about this. I thought I should do it because I am in a Catholic school.
I have got two stories on this slideshow, one is when Peter walks on water. And the other is Mary's Assumption. I did the video last night because I thought that I might not get it upload quick enough.
I really enjoyed doing the videos. It was really fun to do.
What have you learned from this blog post?

Friday 14 August 2020

Ruru Art

This week and last week our class has been busy doing a lot of art for our art exhibit. One of the art is a Ruru art. John Bevan Fords was the artist. Click here for a link to all of his artwork, and click this here to get to the artwork that we did. In between the lines there are tiny partners. I did lots of different partners.
This art was really fun to do because, we had to beelden the dye into each other. This artwork was actually supposed to be sold last night Thursday 13 August because it was the Talent show, and after it there was a art exhibit. The thing that was really hard for me to do was some of the partners.

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Faith GIF

This week and last week our class have been learning how to make a GIF. We used Tall Tweets to make our GIFs. We had to use the Classic one. I really liked how it worked out really great, and it looks great too.
The reason why I have chosen to do the GIF on the the faith poster, was because I am showing that I know what faith is and what it means to me. Also because it is our term 3 value. Each term we have different words. We learn about them. They are special words to us because we are a Catholic school. Faith means trusting in God even if you can't see him. God will always be there for you. Some people aren't Catholic but it doesn't stop me, because God will never leave your side.
I found it challenging to finish the slide on time because I did my faith poster on a google drawing. I had to do my faith poster on the slide for the GIF because on GIFs. They move, and they make people stop and look at the GIF.
Have you made a GIF before? If so, please comment and tell me. I can share it to my classmates.

Friday 31 July 2020

Fact file about the Pekapeka Tou Pote

This week I was learning how to identify the main idea and evaluate ideas.
I found it easy to find photos.
I found it challenging to find facts that will amaze you.
My digital object shows that I can identify the main idea and evaluate ideas.
Next time I would change the colors that I have picked.

Thursday 30 July 2020

Photo Collage

Today I was learning how to make a photo collage on Canva or slides.
I found it easy to move the photo.
I found it challenging to get the right photo I wanted.
My digital learning object shows that I can make a photo collage.
Next time I would change some of the photos.

The reason I did these photo is because that on Tuesday we went to the 'rethink centre'.
We learned about some facts that we need to share out to the world. Here is a fact that I learned. In tea bags there is plastic in the tea bag. The glue is the plastic.

July Student Reflection Newsletter

Today I was reflecting on the learning we did on this mouth.
It's great to sit back and look back at the learning we did in this mouth ( July). 
I found it easy to find a place to take a selfie.
I found it challenging to take a selfie.
My digital learning object shows that I can make a student reflection newsletter.
Next time I would change the selfie.

Wednesday 22 July 2020

Faith poster

This week I was doing a Faith challenge.
I enjoyed choosing the colours.
I found it challenging to do a picture of what it sounds like, feels like and looks like.
                  There was a success criteria of this and the success criteria is

  • A picture of what this looks like, feels likes or sounds like.
  • A Bible quote about this value.
  • A synonym for this value.
  • Let your imagination run wild!
I achieved all of the success criteria.

David Walliams

This week I was learning to make a fact file about David Walliams.
I enjoyed choosing the colors.
I found it challenging to find David Walliams College.

Report writing

This week we were learning how to put report pieces together.
I enjoyed reading them and putting them together.
I found it challenging to get it all done and right.
        My Success Criteria is...

  • To use a title. (To show what the report writing is)
  • to write the classification. (Family gender)
  • to write a description. (Looks like)
  • to write about their habitat. (where it lives)
  • to write a dynamic fact. (Fun fact)

Saturday 11 July 2020

School Holidays with Brothers

Today I was playing with my brothers but then I got an idea. we made a hut. using the chairs and the keyboard. Before lunch I washed the rice and cookinged it. When I was eating dinner, I let the rice cool down before making some yummy sushi. My mum made some too, and her ones were better looking than mine. But it was yum yum!
I would also like to thank Catalina for the sushi kit that she bought for me. Please check her blog too. She does amazing blog post. Click here to go to Catalina's blog.

Thursday 2 July 2020

Matariki Manutukutuku (kites)

Yesterday I was learning about being perseverance.
I enjoyed making the kites.
I found it challenging to keep it together.

Matariki star

This week I was learning how to make a Matariki star.
I enjoyed making my star.
I found it challenging to glue it perfect.

Matariki Breakfast

This morning we had a shared breakfast to celebrate Matariki.
It was fun and yummy.
I enjoyed eating all the food, I enjoyed the smell of the beacon.
Can you see me? If so, comment down bellow.

Tuesday 30 June 2020

June Student Reflection Newsletter

Today I was learning how to make a June Student Reflection Newsletter.
I enjoyed writing a comment to my friends.
I found it challenging to get a good selfie.

Monday 29 June 2020

Pattern Ball - P.E

We are learning to communicate and work as a team.
Explain - working out the pattern,
Different ball pass.
- ball 1 - chest pass.
- ball 2 - bounce pass.
- ball 3 rugby.
To communicate we had to call each other's name and have eye contact.
We found it easy to call each other names.
We found it hard to get it perfect but it was fun.

Thursday 25 June 2020

Should Matariki be a Public Holiday?

This week my reading group was learning: WALT - identify the main idea and evaluate ideas.
I enjoyed asking the people in my group questions.
I found it challenging to make the work pop up.


WALT - visual language features.

This week I was learning how to use visual language features.
I enjoyed typing it onto my chromebook.
I found it challenging to challenge myself.
My digital learning object shows that I can use visual language features.

What is Matariki?
Matariki is the Māori name for a cluster of stars. Matariki is the start of a new 
Māori new year. If you want to see it, you can look at the place where the 
sunrise is, just 1 hour before the sunrise, you might see the stars. Matariki 
starts in June/July, 

Matariki is a time to celebrate new life, it is also a time to remember those who
 have passed away and to plan our own future. Matariki is also a time to 
celebrate with whānau and friends - we enjoy kai (food), waiata (song), 
tākaro (games) and haka.

How many stars does Matariki have?
Matariki has nine stars, but before we all thought it was 7. But according to the
 Māori astronomer, Dr Rangi Matamua, who’s been researching Matariki over 
30 years ( Wow, that’s a lot of years).  Dr Rangi Matamua found that some of 
his tūpuna were able to see 9 stars.

Through the naked eye, you could only see 7 stars. But if you look carefully, 
you might see 9 or with a star scoop you can see the nine stars IF you look in 
the right spot where the stars would be.

The 9 visible stars include: Matariki, Tupuārangi, Waipuna-ā-Ranchi, Waitī, 
Tupuānuku, Ururangi, Waitā, Pōhutukawa and Hiwa-i-te-Rangi. Each star 
holds a certain significance over our wellbeing and environment.

The 9 Matariki stars.                                                        
Matariki is the star that signifies reflection, hope, our connection to the
 environment and the gathering of people. Matariki is also connected to the
 health and wellbeing of people.

Pōhutukawa is the star that connected to those who had passed away.

Waitī is connected to the fresh waters of the bodies and the food sources.

Waitā is connected with the ocean and the food sources within the ocean.

Waipuna-ā-Ranchi is connected with the rain.

Tupuānuku is the star that is connected with everything that grows within 
the soil and is ready to be harvested or gathered for food.

Tupuārangin is the star that is connected with everything that grows within 
the trees, like berries, fruits and birds. 

Ururangi is connected with the wind.

Hiwa-i-te-Rangi is connected with granting our wishes, and releasing our 
 aspirations for the coming year.

Monday 22 June 2020

The boy at the back of the class task 1 week 11

Today I was doing a task from our book called the boy at the back of the class.
The task is draw a picture of one of the Queen's guard.

Times tables

We are learning our times tables.
We are learning 2 each week.
This week I am learning 8x8=64 and 7x7=49

Thursday 18 June 2020

Help and Hiders

This week I was learning how to combine sources of information with developing confidentify, form, and express ideas.
I enjoyed picking the color.
I found it challenging to do some of the helps and hinders.

Ahmet jouney

This week I was learning how to use visual language features.
I enjoyed making the comic strip.
I found it challenging to finish it in time.

Wednesday 17 June 2020


We are learning about Corpus Christi and Transubstantiation.
Corpus Christi is Latin and means the feast of the body of christ.
Transubstantiation means the bread and wine turns into the body of Jesus.